Discussion Room 08

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Futher shapes name :A. Ba [1999/11/10,10:01:49]
Hi again,

From the cabri design it is clear that you can draw shapes other than a triangle. The shapes drawn at points B,D,F,G and H all draw shapes that are not triangles.
If you added more arms to the pantograph, they to would draw different shapes.
We also believe that by varying where the points D and F are you can vary the size of the objects drawn at the seperate points.

That's all 4 now. C-ya round!!!

prove what??? name :A. Ba [1999/11/09,16:12:48]
Hi again,

we were wondering what u want us to prove
from your last message.

c-ya soon

[FIGURE] Mi -(4 KB)
[NAME] M. Mi [1999/11/09,13:48:29]

[MESSAGE] Hello!!!!!
Thank you for sending cabri construction.It was useful!!
By the way,we want proof of that.
We are waiting for your mail!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Luck Mi name :A. Ba [1999/11/09,08:46:34]
We have constructed the link using cabri geometry. It showed us that the triangle form at C is similar to the triangle that E follows. We also observed that the triangle was twice the size of the original triangle.

We also looked at the locus for each of the other points. These varied from one arcs to a number of arcs joined.

We will attempt to send a diagram.

Bad Luck Mi name :A. Ba [1999/11/09,08:23:42]
This is a construction we made to show us the shape drawn at point C. From the construction we found out the triangle at point C is larger than the triangle at point E
data F cabri construction -(2 KB)

Mi name :M. Mi [1999/11/05,10:10:50]
Sorry.Look forward to next massage.

Mi name :M. Mi [1999/11/05,10:08:41]
If pencil put on Point B,B makes a line.
D and F,too.

[FIGURE] img19991105100435.jpg -(55 KB)
[NAME] M. Mi [1999/11/05,10:04:35]

[MESSAGE] I love JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(MI)

[FIGURE] img19991105100159.jpg -(56 KB)
[NAME] M. Mi [1999/11/05,10:01:59]

[MESSAGE] Hello!!

[FIGURE] Mi -(59 KB)
[NAME] M. Mi [1999/11/05,10:00:28]

[MESSAGE] Hello!!! We think about your opinion.This is the proof of AE=EC.
First,look at two triangles.(ADE and EFC)
We try to prove ADE and EFC are congruent.
AD=ED=EF=FC (8 holes).
By the way,quadrangle BDEF is a rhombus.
So,ED and FB are parallel. BD and FE are parallel,too.
So, angle ADE= angle EFC(OK??)
So, triangle ADE and triangle EFC are congruent.
Then,AE=EC.(Do you understand?????)

Maths Problem name :A. Ba [1999/11/03,11:02:28]
We like your idea that AC=CE. If AC=AE then AE=2(AE).
In that case you are correct in assuming that the triangle at point C is twice as big as the triangle at point E. ]
This is because for every 1cm moved by AE, AC which =2(AE) must move 2 cm
We want to know how to prove that AC=CE becuase if we cannot prove this our solution is wrong.

Gotta go now c-ya later

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